Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

We here at The Everyday Mommy Headquarters wish all our Moms and Soon-to-be-Moms a Happy Mother's Day!

For myself personally, this was the first year I celebrated Mother's Day. We had so much fun and I loved every minute I got to spend with my two special men. 
Hubby surprised me by coming home from work early this week and asking me to get dressed for a walk around the block. So, dressed we got (both Baby J. and myself) and instead of going for a walk we went for a short car trip. Were Hubby made me question his sense of an outing since we ended up parking in an empty parking lot in front of a run down forest. He then requested that I stay in the car but give him Baby J. because they had a surprise for me. So, I stayed and they went. 

And what a surprise it was! I waited and waited and then saw them coming. I could see them holding something but couldn't exactly make out what. My two guys then stopped behind the car and Hubby shouted I should step out. After I stepped out my heart melted and I started crying. Happy tears...everyone!

There was my sweet little Baby J. holding a single little snow drop that Hubby told me he had picked all by himself. He was all smiles because of the praises Hubby and I poured on him and the kisses made him laugh. 

I thought to myself...BEST PRESENT EVER!! Only Hubby wasn't done. He asked me to hold on to Baby J. and then ran back into the forest. Five minutes later he came back and again shouted for us to step out of the car. 

My heart flowed over with love and joy in the moment when I layed eyes on him. There was my Hubby- the love of my life, my other half, the most wonderful husband ever...on one knee holding out a bouquet of snow drops (flowers). 

I later found out that he had to drag a great big piece of wood across a small pond and stretch out on it in order to reach those special snow drops. I couldn't believe the trouble he went through to get me some of my favorite flowers!

Then yesterday evening Hubby called to ask if I needed any groceries and the answer was yes. I also asked him to surprise me with something sweet since Baby#2 was craving sweets.

Surprise me he did!

When I opened the door to let him and the groceries in, there was my hubby holding a bouquet of flowers! And that wasn't all, a small chocolate cake and a bag filled with frozen strawberries awaited me as well!

Frozen strawberries, you say? Why such excitement about that?

I'll tell you, currently Baby#2 just like his brother did is making me crave strawberries. I love the fresh ones but the frozen ones just make my mouth water! So, trust me I was VERY happy to see that bag waiting for me!!

Later, Hubby had to leave to attend a meeting but he asked my dad (who was visiting) to take Baby J. and I out for a walk into town. So, my dad took out the stroller and told us to be ready to go for some delicious Italian ice cream. By the way, Italians make THE MOST DELICIOUS ice cream ever!! Our walk was so much fun and on the way home through the park my dad picked out a pretty purple lavender flower and a white lavender flower. He also told me he couldn't believe his little girl is a mom now herself. It brought a tear to my eye.

So, that was how I spent mothers day. With the people that matter the most to me- Baby J. and Hubby and doing things that I love- taking walks, spending time with family,eating ice cream and strawberries, and enjoying some awesomely pretty flowers!!

How did you spend Mother's day? Let me know in a comment below, I'd like to hear from you!

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